Monday 8 May 2023

The Great Indian Novel: A Masterful Retelling of History and Mythology



"The Great Indian Novel" by Shashi Tharoor is a remarkable work of fiction that seamlessly blends history, mythology, and political satire. Published in 1989, this novel offers a unique perspective on the tumultuous journey of India's independence and subsequent political landscape. In this blog post, we will embark on a literary adventure through the pages of "The Great Indian Novel" and explore why it stands as a masterpiece of Indian literature.

  1. A Retelling of India's History: Tharoor's novel presents a fictionalized retelling of India's history, drawing inspiration from the Indian epic, the Mahabharata. Through his narrative, he skillfully weaves together real-life events, iconic figures, and mythical characters, creating a rich tapestry of India's struggle for independence and its subsequent political trajectory. The blending of fact and fiction invites readers to reconsider historical events through a fresh lens.

  2. Satire and Political Commentary: "The Great Indian Novel" employs biting satire and astute political commentary to dissect the socio-political landscape of post-independence India. Tharoor uses humor and irony to lampoon political leaders and institutions, highlighting the absurdities, hypocrisies, and corruption that have plagued Indian politics. The novel's satirical tone serves as a critique of power structures, while also inviting readers to question the motivations and actions of those in positions of authority.

  3. Mythology and Symbolism: Drawing heavily from the Mahabharata, "The Great Indian Novel" employs allegory and symbolism to explore the complexities of Indian society and politics. Characters from the epic are reimagined as political figures, offering insights into their motivations, conflicts, and relationships. Tharoor skillfully interweaves mythological themes and archetypes, inviting readers to contemplate the timeless moral dilemmas and struggles for power that transcend time and place.

  4. Multiculturalism and Identity: Tharoor's novel celebrates India's multicultural fabric and its diverse communities. The book reflects the complexities of identity, both at an individual and national level. It explores themes of religious and linguistic diversity, caste divisions, and the struggle to forge a unified national identity. Through his characters, Tharoor highlights the tensions and challenges that arise from navigating the complexities of a culturally diverse nation.

  5. Language and Style: "The Great Indian Novel" showcases Tharoor's mastery of language and his ability to seamlessly blend different narrative styles. The novel incorporates elements of Indian oral storytelling traditions, historical fiction, and political satire, resulting in a captivating and multi-layered narrative. Tharoor's rich prose and command over language elevate the reading experience, infusing the novel with depth and beauty.


"The Great Indian Novel" stands as a brilliant literary achievement that combines history, mythology, and political satire to present a unique perspective on India's journey as a nation. Shashi Tharoor's ingenious use of language, his incisive political commentary, and his seamless blending of fact and fiction make this novel a thought-provoking and captivating read. By reimagining historical events and political figures through the lens of mythology, Tharoor invites readers to question the narratives of power and explore the complexities of Indian society. "The Great Indian Novel" continues to be celebrated as an important contribution to Indian literature, engaging readers with its profound insights and compelling storytelling.

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