Wednesday 26 April 2023

Five Point Someone: A Tale of Friendship, Love, and Academic Challenges


"Five Point Someone" by Chetan Bhagat is a coming-of-age novel that resonates with countless students and young adults around the world. Published in 2004, this book captures the journey of three friends as they navigate the highs and lows of their college years. In this blog post, we will delve into the essence of "Five Point Someone" and explore the key themes and lessons it offers.

  1. The Storyline: Set in the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), the story revolves around the lives of three engineering students - Hari, Ryan, and Alok. The trio, bound by their shared struggles, form a deep bond and take on the challenges presented by the demanding academic environment. As they battle the pressures of grades, competition, and societal expectations, they also navigate the complexities of friendship, love, and self-discovery.

  2. Academic Pressure and Individuality: One of the central themes of "Five Point Someone" is the overwhelming pressure faced by students in the pursuit of academic excellence. The book sheds light on the education system's rigid focus on grades and rote learning, which often stifles creativity and individuality. Through the characters' experiences, the book highlights the importance of finding one's passion, exploring diverse interests, and not letting academic success define one's worth.

  3. The Value of Friendship: The bond between Hari, Ryan, and Alok forms the backbone of the story. "Five Point Someone" underscores the significance of genuine friendships that offer support, laughter, and a sense of belonging. The novel explores the ups and downs of their relationship, portraying the strength that lies in standing together during difficult times. It reminds readers of the invaluable role friends play in shaping our lives and providing a sense of companionship and emotional support.

  4. Love and Relationships: Amidst the academic challenges, love also finds its way into the lives of the main characters. The book explores the complexities of romantic relationships and the impact they can have on one's personal growth and priorities. Through Hari's love interest, Neha, and Ryan's unconventional relationship with a professor's daughter, the novel presents a nuanced perspective on love, highlighting the importance of understanding and compromise in sustaining healthy relationships.

  5. Embracing Life Beyond Academics: "Five Point Someone" encourages readers to look beyond the confines of academic achievements and discover the true essence of life. It urges individuals to explore their passions, take risks, and pursue their dreams, even if they do not conform to societal expectations. The book reminds us that grades and institutional success are not the sole determinants of happiness and fulfillment, and that true success lies in following one's heart and finding one's own path.


"Five Point Someone" is a captivating tale that resonates with young readers who have experienced the pressures of academic life. Chetan Bhagat skillfully combines elements of friendship, love, and personal growth to create a story that entertains and enlightens. By challenging the conventional notions of success and highlighting the importance of individuality, the novel serves as a reminder that true happiness comes from finding one's passion and living life authentically.


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